Regina Reithii
President and Founder
Regina was born and raised in Nakuru, Kenya. She is a proud Delawarean for the last 18 years.
Growing up in Kenya’s Rift Valley in the 80’s and 90’s exposed Regina to life changing experiences having witnessed the horrors of political violence; as her hometown, Nakuru was hard hit. While incidents of serious political violence have reduced, previously impacted areas continue to experience lingering effects and security and economic uncertainties.
Over the last 18 years, juggling roles as a student and a single-parent, Regina has directly supported over 20 orphans by paying for their education, and sponsoring their basic needs, as well as those of their immediate family members. Through Regina’s leadership, Upendo is supporting 5 orphans on a full-time basis with a goal to expand their outreach to 50 children by end of 2021. Regina is passionate about empowering children through education and imparting income generating skills. While her efforts are currently focused in making a difference in Nakuru, Kenya; her goal is to extend the outreach to other parts of the country.